Understanding Ancient Greek Civilizations: A STEAM Teaching Perspective

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STEAM, Minoan culture, Cycladic culture, Learning and Innovation


The aim of this research is to suggest a didactic approach as to how students comprehend the growth and the activities of the two most well-known Ancient Greek civilizations (i.e. the Mycenaean and the Cycladic). The teaching approach is based on STEM perspective, the use of several digital technologies, as well as several learning theories. Digital technologies help students delve into the process of scientific discovery. The degree of new technology and STEM – based didactic approach appealing to students is evaluated through questionnaires. In particular, in our survey, 115 students participated and the questionnaires distributed to four schools of Volos and Veria Greece region. The Research was carried out with the consensus of their parents. According to our results, students expressed great interest in STEM activities that they were exposed to. Moreover, they expressed high interest in the integration of a classic history lesson with new technologies and they developed the ability to create simulations of ancient civilization activities. Furthermore, our work is focusing on issues regarding the process and efficiency, through the use, of an interactive time – line robotic car, which will be used to categorize historical events into periods on a timeline.


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How to Cite

Plageras, A., Kourtis, S. ., Xenakis, A. C., Kalovrektis, K., Psycharis, S. ., & Vavougios, D. (2020). Understanding Ancient Greek Civilizations: A STEAM Teaching Perspective. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 1(2), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.51724/hjstemed.v1i2.9