From STEM to STE(A)M: STEM education through artistic pathways

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  • Monica Lillis Regional Center of Educational Planning of Western Greece (PE.K.E.S.)



STEAM, visual arts, creativity, divergent thinking, innovation


STE(A)M Education is an evolving educational approach that aims to combine educational models, teaching methods and pedagogical practices in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. The STE(A)M approach requires a combined application of standards from different scientific fields in a structure easily adaptable to all possible combinations of cognitive objects. The ultimate goal is to create integrated teaching approaches in a holistic educational context. However, a necessary initial condition in order to achieve a substantial synergy in terms of methods and standards, and to design educational practices in which the various disciplines will function in tandem and complement each other, is the investigation of the educational relations between the cognitive fields and the discovery of intersection points between them. This article is a critical review of studies that reveal the ways in which Art functions during the learning process, the educational standards it applies and the possibilities of their application in teaching STEM subjects. The purpose of this article is to uncover the bridge that exists between Visual Arts and STEM disciplines that are being taught in the Greek classroom.


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How to Cite

Lillis, M. (2024). From STEM to STE(A)M: STEM education through artistic pathways. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 3(2), 21–27.