A Conceptual Framework for Computational Pedagogy in STEAM education: Determinants and perspectives

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STEM Education, Computational Pedagogy, Computational Thinking, Epistemology


Computational Pedagogy is an instructional approach based on Computational Science and the Computational Experiment as well as on the CPACK model. Computational Science in Education engages students in computational modeling and simulation technology in alignment with the essential features of Inquiry based teaching and learning approach and the Computational Thinking dimensions (practices and skills). STEAM –content based epistemology- education is connected to Computational Pedagogy through the Computational Experiment leading to a proposed model called ‘Computational STEAM Content Pedagogy’ as a teaching and learning approach which can be implemented in a STEAM holistic interdisciplinary/trans-disciplinary epistemology approach to the curriculum for solving real computational problems.


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Author Biography

Apostolos Xenakis, University of Thessaly




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How to Cite

Psycharis, S., Kalovrektis, K., & Xenakis, A. (2020). A Conceptual Framework for Computational Pedagogy in STEAM education: Determinants and perspectives. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.51724/hjstemed.v1i1.4