Editorial: STEM Education: “What’s in a Name?”

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Origins of STEM Education, STEM education journals, STEM education publications


In this editorial, I am explaining my background in STEM education course design, delivery, and research experiences and discussing the current state of STEM journals internationally. I am also including a short overview of the three articles of this inaugural issue of Hellenic Journal of STEM Education.


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Atıcı, T., Atasoy, B., Taşar, M. F., & Taflı, T. (2020). Eighth Grade Students’ Knowledge of Key Biotechnology Concepts. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 33-42. https://doi.org/10.12973/hjstem/011030

Bryan, L., & Guzey, S. S. (2020). K-12 STEM Education: An Overview of Perspectives and Considerations. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 5-15. https://doi.org/10.12973/hjstem/00110

Chomphuphra, P., Chaipidech, P., & Yuenyong, C. (2019). Trends and Research Issues of STEM Education: A Review of Academic Publications from 2007 to 2017. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1340, 012069. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1340/1/012069

Johnson, D. R. (2007). Sense of belonging among women of color in science, technology, engineering, and math majors: Investigating the contributions of campus racial climate perceptions and other college environments (Order No. 3297338). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304850760).

McKenzie, N. L. (1997). Teaching and learning techniques in secondary school science education using a techno-science context of industrial technological problems (Order No. 10290116). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1838312180).

Psycharis, S., Kalovrektis, K., & Xenakis, A. (2020). A Conceptual Framework for Computational Pedagogy in STEAM education: Determinants and perspectives. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 17-32. https://doi.org/10.12973/hjstem/01120

Tasar, M. F., Taylor, J. M, & Dana, T. M. (1999). Engineering with LegosTM. Paper presented at the summer meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), San Antonio, TX, August 1999.

Taylor, J. M., Dana, T. M., & Tasar, M. F. (2001). An integration of simple materials and complex ideas: Description of an instructional sequence in statics. International Journal of Engineering Education, 17, 267-275.

Taylor, J. A., Lunetta, V. N., Dana, T. M., & Tasar, M. F. (2002). Bridging science and engineering: An integrated course for non-science majors. Journal of College Science Teaching, 31 (6), 378-383.




How to Cite

Taşar, M. F. (2020). Editorial: STEM Education: “What’s in a Name?”. Hellenic Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.51724/hjstemed.v1i1.7