The Contribution of the Health Crisis to Young Children’s Nano-literacy through STEAM Education

STEAM education, digital technologies, mobile applications, nano-technology, early childhood, size and scale, virusAbstract
Nano-Science and nano-Technology (NST) is a new interdisciplinary field that promises to provide solutions to timeless global challenges. Given that NST deals with elements that cannot be observed with the naked eye, their understanding by young children undoubtedly requires appropriate teaching methods. These distinct aspects of NST align well with the capabilities of smart mobile devices, the critical feature of which is their ability to display interactive simulations and playful visualizations. This article aims to emphasize the feasibility of empirical research of how digital technologies support NST teaching to young children in the wake of the sudden pandemic outbreak based on a comprehensive literature review. With the virus as the central entity of nanoscale, following the current demands of the unprecedented health crisis, and developing appropriate educational applications in digital games, young children can be introduced to the fundamental concepts of NST. NST is an interdisciplinary field that can enhance children's perceptions of the interconnectedness of nature with different fields of knowledge, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Pandora Dorouka, Stamatios Papadakis , Michael Kalogiannakis

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